Freedom to Fit - An essential part of therapy


When I think back to when I was a little girl, I remember the pressures of trying to fit in. I would worry myself with how I could impress others and be more like them. It’s a struggle many of us go through. Every day we maneuver through the ins and outs of finding what “fits” for us. I’ve been on a journey of giving myself the freedom to be just me; and through this journey, I have definitely grown in knowing who I am.

Getting to know who you are as a person is a large part of therapy. And that requires space for you to be 100% you. But going to see a complete stranger and being a 100% you can be a bit intimidating. Clients often hold a fear about “fitting” with their therapist. Having been a client, myself, I remember wondering, “What if the therapist doesn’t get me?” or “What if we don’t work well together?”.

I believe strongly in the concept of “freedom to fit”. But what exactly does this concept mean? How do clients experience this freedom? Well, I think it involves five interconnecting factors that build off of each other.

Space to Belong. Having an environment that is open and compassionate to discovering who you are as a person is invaluable.

Connection. Belonging is the gateway to connection. In an environment where a sense of belonging is welcomed, connection is soon to follow. Connection is essential in therapy. With connection also comes trust, vulnerability, and the gift of being seen and understood.

Safety. In allowing yourself to connect, the feeling of safety is present. Through the concept of “freedom to fit”, I aim to create safety while at the same time allowing clients to choose what feels safe to them. Without safety, a flourishing relationship between therapist and client will be tough; yet at the same time, safety is something that grows in time under an environment of belonging and connection.

Freedom of Choice. Choice is encouraged under the umbrella of safety, connection, and belonging. In fact, choice is always encouraged. Freedom is most easily recognized through choice, and “freedom to fit” would make no sense without it. This is why the choice to say “no, this doesn't fit for me”, is just as honoured as “yes, this fits”.  I believe that every client in therapy has the resources within them to make choices toward change, and that starts with finding a good fit with a therapist.

Empowerment. I am all about empowering my clients to take ownership of their lives. I sometimes jokingly say that I would like to work myself out of a job because I believe so strongly that my goal is to have clients be empowered to live out their lives without me. Yet we all need people to walk with us as we journey through life’s up and downs.

And so “freedom to fit” is about allowing there to be room for us to explore together if therapy with me is the right option for you. I want want what is best for you, even if that means your therapy is not with me. Your health and wholeness is what matters most! Message me if you’d like to explore a 20 minute free consult to begin seeing if we “fit”.